📕 Node [[@flancian/s s]]
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RT @MarieVC@social.coop I’ve moved, it’s #Introduction time!

I have just finished my PhD on the uses of Facebook and Twitter by four museums (BE/LU) and their audiences. My PhD research focused on #OnlineParticipation, rethinking access (to the #Museums and #SNS, as (1/2)

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Sometimes [[Science, technology and society]], sometimes [[Science and technology studies]].

Critical studies of the impact of science and technology on society.

Technology and society

technologies are the product not only of technical work but also of social negotiations

[[Cybernetic Revolutionaries]]

technologies are not value-neutral but rather are a product of the historical contexts in which they are made

[[Cybernetic Revolutionaries]]

Technologies are historical texts. When we read them, we are able to read history

[[Cybernetic Revolutionaries]]

political innovation can spur technological innovation.

[[Cybernetic Revolutionaries]]

technology can shape the path of political history by making certain actions possible

[[Cybernetic Revolutionaries]]

historical readings of technology can make visible the complexities internal to a political project

[[Cybernetic Revolutionaries]]